"Anne-Maree has enabled me to find my true values. This has helped me move forward in my life with added confidence."
- Gayle Matthews


Have you ever felt that you just needed a bit of a kick-start? You know that there's "nothing wrong with you", yet having someone to listen to you and REALLY hear what you are saying would be the difference in getting you to where you want to be.... even if you don't know exactly where that is - yet?

Is lack of self esteem and believing in yourself preventing you from doing what you'd love to do in life?

Do you find that fear, anxiety, stress or even feeling depressed is a common experience in your everyday life?

Are your relationships with yourself, your partner or others giving you joy or grief? Improve communication, discover the power of language and learn how to feel truly fulfilled.

At Zenith Performance Coaching, we offer a variety of coaching options to enable individuals to discover themselves and design an exciting future - one that is motivating and makes you smile.

Have things changed in your life and you are finding you're in two minds about what life or career direction to take next? Our coaches love to explore your possibilities with you.

For the ladies.... Need a break away, to get away from the stress and bus-i-ness of everyday life? We are also very excited to host Women's Retreat - a variety of live-in weekend retreats for women. Get the best of everything - coaching, NLP, fun, adventure, challenge and transformation. Hosted at various exciting locations along the East Coast of Australia - you will find one that is just right for you.


"Thank you so much for the past six weeks. It has been an awesome journey of discovery and achievement. I have learnt how to apply techniques and strategies to handle different situations in order to achieve more positive outcomes and desired results.

Julie-Anne Fisher
Hervey Bay

"The content of the day's program was extremely relevant, wonderfully diverse and armed us with valuable guidance to enhance our group's dynamics! The sessions were very enlightening - wonderful for personal growth! I look forward to our next session with you Anne-Maree - you are a wonderful life coach!!! Blessings"

Twila Whittingham
Xavier Catholic College

"Anne-Maree, you not only inspired me but you had the ability to make me realise that I am powerful and unstoppable."

Tara Milzewski